A small plume of ash and/or steam is blowing west from the summit of Mayon Volcano in this image from December 15, 2009.
Published Dec 17, 2009The Nicaraguan volcano erupted for the first time in more than a century.
Published Mar 5, 2016In central Africa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, sit two volcanoes: Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira. Besides their proximity to Lake Kivu in the south, these volcanoes share the capacity for destruction, each having produced its share of catastrophic eruptions since the early twentieth century. Yet these volcanoes differ markedly from each other, one being a low-profiled structure rising subtly from the plain, and the other sporting steep slopes.
Published Dec 10, 2007A false-color image of Llaima Volcano shows lava flows streaking the summit on April 6, 2009.
Published Apr 9, 2009Evidence of four types of volcanic activity at Mexico’s Colima Volcano.
Published Jan 25, 2011Satellite views show exposed lava and hot spots in Congo.
Published Jan 5, 2012Acquired February 11, 2010, this true-color image shows water discoloration immediately west of the underwater summit of Fukutoku-Okanoba. Clouds overhead might result from vapor emissions, but might be unrelated to volcanic activity.
Published Feb 11, 2010Acquired December 11, 2009, this true-color image shows a layer of snow resting on the summit of Llaima Volcano. The slopes appear in a combination of purple-brown and green, probably a combination of volcanic rock and vegetation.
Published Feb 3, 2010Though the volcano has not erupted for thousands of years, scientific evidence suggests it could become active again someday.
Published Dec 23, 2013