Acquired September 25, 2012, and September 29, 2011, these images compare conditions along the Brahmaputra, which spilled over its banks in September 2012.
Published Sep 25, 2012Acquired on July 23 and August 26, 2009, these false-color images show flood-related changes in a stretch of the Brahmaputra River. In the later image, the river is visibly swollen, and nearby tributaries have also filled.
Published Aug 26, 2009India’s Brahmaputra River was already flooded in early August, but those floods turned out to be small compared to the floods that hit the river in early September. The river flooded for the third time in 2007 when monsoon rain pounded northeastern India, Bhutan, and Bangladesh in September.
Published Sep 14, 2007Lowland rivers that carry large volumes of sediment are on the move.
Published Dec 4, 2014