Satellite data show wetlands in Spain desiccated by demands on groundwater and persistent drought.
Published Jun 26, 2023Soldiers’ National Cemetery, where U.S. President Abraham Lincoln delivered the “Gettysburg Address” in November 1863, appears in this Ikonos satellite image from June 25, 2003.
Published Feb 12, 2009A swath of snow stretches across Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, and Minnesota.
Published Feb 11, 2016Everglades National Park in southern Florida is the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States. Known as the “river of grass,” the Everglades wetlands and wooded uplands host a variety of endangered species including crocodiles, manatees, and panthers.
Published Jun 11, 2007New study uses satellite and demographic data to show how the prolonged presence of green space is important for a healthy society.
Published Jul 17, 2019Straddling the borders of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, the Hamoun Wetlands had long been an oasis in the otherwise arid landscape of Central Asia. By the turn of the twenty-first century, however, these wetlands were desiccated by irrigation and drought. In mid-May 2008, a dust storm arose from dry lake beds left behind by the once-moist wetlands.
Published May 19, 2008