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Images related to B-15A Iceberg

Collision Calves Iceberg from Mertz Glacier Tongue, Antarctica

Collision Calves Iceberg from Mertz Glacier Tongue, Antarctica

This series of true color satellite images show the massive B-09B iceberg on a collision course with the Mertz Glacier Tongue in East Antarctica. The collision broke the ice tongue away from the glacier, creating another vast iceberg.

Published Feb 27, 2010

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Antarctic Ice Collision

Antarctic Ice Collision

In late March 2006, iceberg C-16 worked its way northward along the coastline and plowed into the tip of the Drygalski Ice Tongue.

Published Apr 4, 2006

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice

Iceberg off Mertz Glacier Tongue

Iceberg off Mertz Glacier Tongue

Acquired January 10, 2010, this true-color image shows an iceberg measuring roughly 8.5 by 9.5 kilometers drifting off the edge off the Mertz Glacier Tongue in East Antarctica.

Published Jan 17, 2010

Image of the Day Snow and Ice