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Images related to Algal Bloom in the Pacific Northwest

Plankton Abloom in Washington’s Hood Canal

Plankton Abloom in Washington’s Hood Canal

Water in this Pacific Northwest fjord resembles the color of the Caribbean Sea.

Published Aug 4, 2017

Image of the Day Water Remote Sensing Water Color

Algal Bloom off Tasmania

Algal Bloom off Tasmania

Published Oct 28, 2004

Water Color

Coloring the Sea around the Pribilof Islands

Coloring the Sea around the Pribilof Islands

The dynamic colors of ocean phytoplankton blooms reflect a host of dynamic relationships occurring below the water line.

Published Jan 9, 2015

Image of the Day Life Water

Toxic Algal Bloom off Washington

Toxic Algal Bloom off Washington

Published Oct 4, 2004

Water Color

Water Boundaries

Water Boundaries

The South Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Argentina and Uruguay is a rich mixing bowl of different water masses. The nutrient-rich waters from the combined Paraná and Uruguay Rivers empty into the South Atlantic through the Rio de la Plata. Under the right conditions, especially in spring and early summer, the nutrients fertilize the offshore surface waters allowing for large plankton blooms. This unique image captures traces of several different water masses just southeast of Montevideo, Uruguay, and the Rio de la Plata. Close to the coast of Uruguay, the muddy fresh water plume snakes along the coast. Farther offshore, broad swirls of light blue-green and darker water mark a bloom of plankton. To the right, deep blue water covered by puffy clouds suggests another, warmer water mass just north of the bloom.

Published Dec 15, 2003

Image of the Day Life Water

Demise of a Phytoplankton Bloom

Demise of a Phytoplankton Bloom

Scientists show that a virus was responsible for the collapse of a large coccolithophore bloom in the North Atlantic.

Published Nov 26, 2014

Image of the Day Life Water

Blooms off Both North American Coasts

Blooms off Both North American Coasts

Phytoplankton explosions off the east and west coasts of the United States have both benign and harmful impacts.

Published Aug 9, 2015

Image of the Day Water

A Sea of Color and Wind

A Sea of Color and Wind

Phytoplankton and sediment produced a vivid display in this relatively shallow sea between Great Britain and northern Europe.

Published Apr 9, 2020

Image of the Day Life Water Human Presence Water Color