Images related to Utah

Algae in Great Salt Lake

Algae in Great Salt Lake

The Great Salt Lake of northern Utah is a remnant of glacial Lake Bonneville that extended over much of present-day western Utah and into the neighboring states of Nevada and Idaho approximately 32,000 to 14,000 years ago. The north arm of the lake, displayed in this astronaut photograph from April 30, 2007, typically has twice the salinity of the rest of the lake due to impoundment of water by a railroad causeway that crosses the lake from east to west. The causeway restricts water flow, and the separation has led to a striking division in the types of algae and bacteria found in the north and south arms of the lake.

Published Jul 16, 2007

Image of the Day Life

Great Salt Lake, Oblique View

Great Salt Lake, Oblique View

The lake and surrounding landscape are characterized by many flavors and mixtures of salt.

Published Feb 1, 2016

Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence

Effect of Drought on Great Salt Lake

Effect of Drought on Great Salt Lake

Great Salt Lake serves as a striking visual marker for astronauts orbiting over North America. A sharp line across its center is caused by the restriction in water flow from the railroad causeway. The eye-catching colors of the lake stem from the fact that Great Salt Lake is hypersaline, typically 3–5 times saltier than the ocean, and the high salinities support sets of plants and animals that affect the light-absorbing qualities of the water. Space Station astronauts have recorded the decline in lake levels in response to a regional 5-year drought taking both detailed views and broad views of the entire lake. As lake levels have declined the salt works have become islands in the middle of a dry lakebed.

Published Jan 19, 2004

Image of the Day Land

Lake Natron, Tanzania

Lake Natron, Tanzania

Published May 3, 2005

Image of the Day Land

Lake Neusiedl and Lake Ferto

Lake Neusiedl and Lake Ferto

Straddling Austria and Hungary, the lake is also known as the “Sea of the Viennese.”

Published Apr 10, 2017

Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence Snow and Ice

Mono Lake, California

Mono Lake, California

Published Jan 13, 2008

Image of the Day Land

Salt Lake Water Woes

Salt Lake Water Woes

In October 2016, one of America’s largest lakes reached its lowest level on record.

Published Nov 3, 2016

Image of the Day Water Human Presence Remote Sensing

Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

Published Feb 20, 2001

Image of the Day Land

Brightening Lake Elton

Brightening Lake Elton

Satellite data suggests this Russian salt lake is getting brighter due to the installation of check dams.

Published Dec 3, 2014

Image of the Day Land

Lake Sambhar

Lake Sambhar

The wet and dry seasons bring two distinct but colorful looks to this wetland in the Thar Desert.

Published Jun 14, 2019

Image of the Day Land Water Drought Floods Severe Storms Temperature Extremes

Mineral Mining in China

Mineral Mining in China

A rim of crystal salts surrounds Lake Qarhan, the largest salt lake playa in China and a significant source of minerals, including table salt and potassium for fertilizer.

Published Feb 2, 2014

Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence

Lake Khanka in  Eastern Russia and China

Lake Khanka in Eastern Russia and China

At the juncture of the border between China and Russia sits Lake Khanka, also known as Lake Xinghai. Due to their importance to plant and animal species, the lake and the surrounding wetlands are protected by the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty for the protection and sustainable use of wetlands. Migratory birds that frequent this lake include several endangered species, such as the Japanese crane.

Published Feb 18, 2007

Image of the Day Land Human Presence