A succession of storms in January and February dumped huge amounts of snow on the Sierra Nevada.
Published Feb 13, 2019El NiƱo brought more rain and snow to California this winter, but not enough to offset the water deficit built up over four years.
Published Apr 14, 2016The water stored as snow in the 400-mile long range is now 185 percent of normal for the beginning of March.
Published Mar 3, 2017NASA airborne snow surveys provide key information for California water managers.
Published Apr 22, 2017From brown landscapes to snow-free mountains, California was startlingly dry as a serious drought prompted a state of emergency.
Published Jan 23, 2014Seasonal snowpack in the Sierra Nevada depends on whether a winter is wet or dry, and 2015 shaped up to be exceptionally dry.
Published Oct 21, 2015The winter of 2019-2020 was much drier than usual in California, as evidenced by the dearth of snow in the mountains.
Published Mar 13, 2020Snow cover in late March 2015 was significantly lower than the previous worst year on record. The landscape change is stark since 2010, the last time the region saw average snowfall.
Published Apr 3, 2015