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Images related to Cleaning Up Cookstoves

The Global Toll of Fine Particulate Matter

The Global Toll of Fine Particulate Matter

Fine particles of pollution lodge deep in the lungs, where they cause serious health problems. Scientists are working to tally the global consequences.

Published Sep 19, 2013

Image of the Day Atmosphere Human Presence

Change in the Air

Change in the Air

Simulations of air pollution from the GOCART model help show how much skies have cleared over Europe and North America even as they have darkened over Asia in the last decade.

Published Aug 19, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Haze over France

Haze over France

An outbreak of severe pollution prompted officials in Paris to bar half of all vehicles from the roads.

Published Mar 18, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere Human Presence

Haze Blows Across Northeastern Asia

Haze Blows Across Northeastern Asia

Pollution levels soared throughout northeastern China in late February 2014, but the haze didn't stay home.

Published Feb 27, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Air Pollution Shrouds the Pearl River Delta

Air Pollution Shrouds the Pearl River Delta

Air pollution is less common in southern China, but Guangdong province can still get pretty hazy.

Published Jan 23, 2018

Image of the Day Atmosphere Human Presence

Winter Haze over Bangladesh

Winter Haze over Bangladesh

The pollution particles that leave palls of gray over Bangladesh in the winter have many sources.

Published Feb 9, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence

A River of Haze

A River of Haze

Thick haze hung over northern India and Bangladesh in January 2013. Over the past decade, large cities in India have seen some of the world's fastest-rising levels of air pollution.

Published Jan 12, 2013

Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence

Haze Shrouds Eastern China

Haze Shrouds Eastern China

The haze particles blanketing eastern China harm human health, and they have a cooling effect on the climate.

Published Dec 1, 2015

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze Human Presence Snow and Ice

Haze over the Arabian Sea

Haze over the Arabian Sea

Haze from northwestern India hovers over the Arabian Sea in this natural-color image acquired January 2, 2012.

Published Jan 5, 2012

Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Haze over Eastern China

Haze over Eastern China

Acquired in early November 2011, this natural-color image shows the intermittent haze that has hovered over eastern China for weeks.

Published Nov 11, 2011

Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence