A stroke of luck brought the CloudSat radar directly over the center of one of the strongest typhoons of the year.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Severe Storms
A radar on CloudSat imaged the internal structure of a powerful typhoon that will likely skirt east of Japan in the coming days.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Severe Storms
Cloudsat’s radar captured a unique view of Sandy's internal cloud structure.
Severe Storms
Although Mirinae was weakening, its winds maintained the classic spiral structure associated with well-organized tropical cyclones in this image of the storm’s wind structure on November 1, 2009.
Though flying in a lowered orbit, twelve-year-old CloudSat continues to deliver impressive science data that reveals the vertical structure of clouds.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Severe Storms Remote Sensing
Tropical cyclones come in all sizes. Some researchers wonder if they saw a mini-typhoon drifting across the Pacific Ocean in mid-July 2013.
Image of the Day Atmosphere
Acquired December 1, 2010, this natural-color image shows Tropical Cyclone Abele over the southern Indian Ocean.
Acquired September 30, 2012, this image shows a tropical storm that is still active nearly three weeks after its formation.
Atmosphere Water Severe Storms
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