Retreating glaciers in the high arctic have left behind heaps of debris and new territory for cold-loving plants to colonize.
Published Jan 18, 2014The history of ice can be read on the landscape of Canada's Victoria Island, now home to lakes, rivers...and caribou.
Published Apr 15, 2015It is so small that you cannot see it on Google maps, but Landsat Island has a unique story of discovery and naming.
Published Apr 10, 2018Operation IceBridge, an aerial ice surveying mission, has plenty of area to cover.
Published May 9, 2014Sea ice that has been tinged brown is common in this part of the Canadian Arctic.
Published Sep 24, 2018Acquired March 9, 2012, and July 22, 2012, these images show stark differences between winter and summer on Canada’s Bylot Island.
Published Nov 30, 2012Off the coast of Greenland lies an island resembling a bony claw. Long connected to Greenland’s coast by ice, the island escaped recognition for what it was for nearly a century.
Published Jun 3, 200750 trillion pixels of Landsat data give researchers a lot of opportunities to look at Earth processes on scales from days to decades.
Published Apr 16, 2015Fifty-six images were stitched together to present a seamless mosaic of what the newest Landsat saw on April 19, 2013. Here are some highlights of the satellite tour.
Published May 16, 2013Meltwater has carved sinuous channels on the DeVries Glacier in the Canadian Arctic.
Published Apr 12, 2017As temperatures rise in summer, turquoise splotches of color begin to speckle the surfaces of Arctic ice.
Published Aug 2, 2014Akpatok Island lies in Ungava Bay in northern Quebec, Canada. Accessible only by air, Akpatok Island rises out of the water as sheer cliffs that soar 500 to 800 feet (150 to 243 m) above the sea surface. The island is an important sanctuary for cliff-nesting seabirds.
Published Feb 25, 2002A piedmont-type glacier fans out across a plain in northeast Greenland.
Published Feb 20, 2015An unnamed isle in Canada’s Nunavut Territory is the leading contender for this island superlative.
Published Feb 22, 2015The ghostly white shapes northeast and immediately southwest of Wrangel Island are sea ice. Over the course of the satellite record, Arctic sea ice has advanced and retreated past Wrangel Island many times. From 1979 to 2000, the sea ice edge at the end of summer generally fell somewhere in the vicinity of Wrangel Island, but this is not the first summer when the sea ice edge has retreated well north of the island.
Published Aug 29, 2008An undersea eruption at Lateiki Island in late October 2019 has brought new life to an older island in the Tonga chain.
Published Nov 26, 2019Taken on June 10, 2010, this true-color image captures the western Canadian Arctic in a moment of transformation. Signs of winter are still present, but summer is clearly on the horizon.
Published Jun 16, 2010