In November 2013, skies were smoky in northwestern India as farmers burned leftover crop residue.
Published Nov 15, 2013Since 2003, the number of November crop fires in northern India has increased significantly.
Published Nov 2, 2018As they do every fall, farmers in northern India burned crop residue following the harvest.
Published Nov 13, 2015With ice still on the Angara River, farmers in Russia began preparing their fields for the coming growing season.
Published May 13, 2013Many farmers in India set fire to their fields to clear them before planting, a practice known as stubble burning.
Published Oct 27, 2017In the Amur region of Russia, spring means farmers burn their fields to prep for the coming season.
Published May 1, 2013Crop fires have cast a pall of smoke over the state of Punjab.
Published Nov 5, 2016Scores of agricultural fires burned in the northwest Indian states of Punjab and Haryana on November 3, 2008.
Published Nov 4, 2008