A dust plume stretches across Yemen, Oman, and the Arabian Sea in this natural-color image acquired on March 4, 2012.
Published Mar 6, 2012Acquired May 4, 2011, this natural-color image shows a dust storm blowing off the Arabian Peninsula and over the Persian Gulf.
Published May 4, 2011Saharan dust hovered over the Atlantic for several days in mid-January 2008. This image shows two different areas of dust plume activity. Immediately off the coasts of Western Sahara and Mauritania, a series of tan dust plumes blow in predominantly straight lines toward the northwest. Farther west, a large, diffuse plume of dust hangs over the Atlantic Ocean
Published Jan 25, 2008Acquired March 11, 2012, this image shows a rough paisley pattern over the Arabian Sea, formed by dust and clouds.
Published Mar 14, 2012Satellite observations show how far winds normally spread North African dust particles before rain and gravity pull them down to the ocean.
Published Jan 9, 2020Intense dust storms have raged across two continents in mid-March 2012.
Published Mar 22, 2012Acquired June 1, 2011, this natural-color image shows dust plumes blowing over southwestern Asia and the Arabian Sea.
Published Jun 1, 2011