Plumes from fires in Canada and the United States have crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
Published Jun 27, 2013A plume of smoke from wildfires burning in Canada reached the eastern United States.
Published Jun 11, 2015As satellites observed, an intense wildfire in Quebec, Canada, lofted smoke high into the atmosphere in June 2013. Winds then drove the smoke across the Atlantic Ocean all the way to Europe.
Published Jun 28, 2013Satellite observations suggest fires in Quebec sent smoke billowing across the Atlantic; but pinpointing the source can pose a scientific challenge.
Published Jul 2, 2013Acquired September 19, 2012, this natural-color image shows smoke from wildfires in the western United States over the Atlantic Ocean.
Published Sep 20, 2012Acquired July 25, 2011, this natural-color image shows smoke from wildfires blowing eastward across Canada.
Published Jul 26, 2011With dozens of wildfires burning in a part of Russia best known for its frigid winters, the CALIPSO satellite offered this view through the clouds and smoke.
Published Jul 30, 2014Hundreds of fires are burning in the Canadian province.
Published Aug 14, 2018Smoke from wildfires burning across the western United States and Canada drifted all the way to Europe.
Published Sep 15, 2017