Africa’s Sahel region, a margin of semi-arid grassland around the southern limit of the Sahara Desert, gets most of its rainfall between June and September. In 2007, the final months of the rainy season brought unusually heavy rainfall to much of the Sahel and the tropical savannas to its south, causing floods in river basins from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean coasts of the continent.
Published Sep 26, 2007Tree and plant cover has deteriorated considerably in some areas, while advancing in other areas that previously burned or used to be frozen.
Published Jul 27, 2020For elephants roaming the savanna in Kenya, drought can be a matter of life and death.
Published May 3, 2017In 2005, much of eastern Africa suffered severe drought. Crops and natural vegetation, including grazing land for livestock, withered. Livestock deaths and human food shortages were widespread.
Published Apr 20, 2006he difference between poplar plantations and native vegetation is illustrated in this pair of satellite images, collected by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite on August 27, 2006.
Published Dec 10, 2006