Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water
Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice
The flagship of NASA’s modern Earth-observing satellite fleet launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on December 18, 1999.
Image of the Day Remote Sensing
Across two decades, the Terra satellite has been a great leap for Earth system science, observing how different spheres fit together as a whole.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Drought Fires Remote Sensing
NASA's newest Earth-observing satellite soars into space aboard a Delta II rocket, tasked with improving weather forecasts and continuing long-term climate records.
Image of the Day Human Presence Remote Sensing
Sixteen operating satellites monitor Earth. Four more are scheduled to launch in 2014.
LDCM extends an unprecedented four-decade record of global land observations.
Looking back from its orbit around Mercury, MESSENGER captured this view of Earth and the Moon on May 6, 2010.
Image of the Day Heat
A spacecraft looked homeward while making its way to the asteroid Bennu.
By launching from the east coast of Florida, NASA took advantage of both geography and physics.
Image of the Day Land Human Presence
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