Gray-brown smoke stretches across a broad swath of western Canada in this true-color image from July 13, 2010.
Published Jul 15, 2010Hundreds, possibly thousands of fires were burning in South America when the Aqua satellite passed overhead on September 25, 2007
Published Sep 28, 2007This true-color image shows large fires burning in a national park and a nature reserve in Bolivia on September 8, 2010.
Published Sep 9, 2010A ribbon of smoke connects two clusters of intense fires in central Russia in this photo-like image from August 12, 2010.
Published Aug 12, 2010More than 148,900 fire detections are in this image of Brazil and Bolivia from August 23, 2010.
Published Aug 26, 2010In 2005, at the tail end of a multi-year dry spell, the annual dry season in the Amazon south of the equator ballooned into an unrelenting drought. Agricultural fires, now a fixture on the Amazon frontier from August through mid-October, invaded adjacent forests on a large scale. Thick smoke hung over the forest off and on for months.
Published Mar 12, 2008Gray-brown smoke drifts north over the Canadian Arctic and the Beaufort Sea in this true-color image from June 28, 2010.
Published Jun 30, 2010