In east-central Alaska, the Pingo Fire was scorching hundreds of thousands of acres north of the Yukon River in early July 2004.
Image of the Day Land
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land
Acquired September 18, 2012, these natural- and false-color images provide complementary views of fires and smoke in Australia’s Northern Territory.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Remote Sensing
A fire in a Western Australia state forest near Dwellingup billows smoke over the Indian Ocean on December 15, 2009.
Atmosphere Land Fires
In the past week, 21 wildfires have ignited in communities north and east of San Francisco Bay, consuming at least 170,000 acres.
Image of the Day Land Fires Human Presence Remote Sensing
Burn scars have gotten larger near Australia’s Lake Mackay.
Image of the Day Land Human Presence
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