Image of the Day Atmosphere
As spring turns to summer in the northern hemisphere, unusual streaks of clouds form high in the atmosphere around sunset.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Remote Sensing
Whether a patch of clouds contains open or closed cells offers a clue about whether rain is falling below.
Scientists speculated about these holes in clouds for decades, but it’s now well understood that cavum are caused by airplanes.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Water
Noctilucent clouds float high enough in the atmosphere to capture a little bit of stray sunlight even after the Sun has set below them.
Normally seen only at twilight, polar mesospheric clouds are illuminated by “sunrise” in this astronaut photo from June 16, 2010.
High-altitude night-shining clouds form and dissipate on a daily cycle revealed in this series of images made from data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on NASA’s Aura satellite.
An astronaut on the ISS caught a glimpse of a sliver of the setting Moon and some clouds that shine at night.
Patches of open-celled clouds off the west coast of Peru offer beautiful glimpses of the sea—and pointers to where rain may have fallen.
Once limited to higher latitudes, polar mesospheric clouds are becoming brighter and more visible over mid-latitudes.
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