Orbiting the Earth at nearly 17,000 miles per hour, NASA's Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) is collecting spectacular new three-dimensional measurements of the Earth's surface and atmosphere.
Published Dec 10, 2003Sixteen operating satellites monitor Earth. Four more are scheduled to launch in 2014.
Published Jul 5, 2013This collection of image highlights several of the Earth’s vital signs monitored by NASA’s Terra mission, which began observing our planet a decade ago this month.
Published Feb 25, 2010Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Life Water Human Presence Remote Sensing
Before there was a Blue Marble photograph or composite image of Earth, there was TIROS IX.
Published Apr 22, 2015After arriving in its final orbit, DSCOVR will monitor the solar wind and send back epic views of Earth’s full sunlit disk.
Published Feb 13, 2015From one million miles away, the DSCOVR satellite returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth.
Published Jul 6, 2023Peatlands have been mined in Ireland for centuries, but concern for climate is changing how they are managed.
Published Jan 3, 2023On July 19, 2013, NASA spacecraft got not one but two rare and unique views of Earth from opposite ends of the solar system.
Published Jul 24, 2013