Not everything in the far north appears ready to hibernate for the winter.
Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice Water Color
Researchers used satellite images to chronicle the historical expansion of eastern North Carolina’s swine farming industry.
Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence Remote Sensing
Unique Imagery Snow and Ice
Though the talk in much of the United States was about polar vortices and wicked cold snaps, the wider world was actually warmer than normal.
Image of the Day Heat Land
After months of snow cover, the region is shedding its winter coat.
Image of the Day Heat Land Human Presence Snow and Ice
Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Snow and Ice
Severe Storms
The latest image from the Arctic showing the location of The North Pole Project -- the first Internet connection and live webcast from the North Pole.
Image of the Day Snow and Ice
Image of the Day Land Life
In spring 2014, fires left burn scars in North Korea’s Kangwon Province.
Land Fires
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