Despite a cold snap in February, low ice cover prevailed across the lakes in winter 2020-2021.
Image of the Day Heat Water Severe Storms Snow and Ice Remote Sensing
Ice cover surpassed 80 percent for the first time in 20 years.
Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice
Warm air prevailed in the 2019-2020 winter season, preventing much ice from forming on the lakes.
Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice Remote Sensing
To the untrained eye, Antarctica may look like a giant piece of solid ice that rarely changes, but scientists studying the continent have long known better. The icy surface is dynamic, with glaciers and "streams" of ice flowing toward the ocean.
Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice
The extent of ice on North America's Great Lakes is past its annual peak, but remains above the average maximum extent.
Water Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice
This pair of maps shows how the sea ice covering the Arctic at winter maximum in 2009 is younger than it was in the past.
Abundant sediment often paints the sea ice tan in Foxe Basin.
Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice
Lake Erie is usually the first to freeze over because it is shallower than the other Great Lakes.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Temperature Extremes Sea and Lake Ice
In Northern Canada, frozen lakes become superhighways for truck freight.
Image of the Day Human Presence Snow and Ice
Thick ice that used to last through multiple summers has been in steep decline for three decades.
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