Image of the Day Heat Land Volcanoes
Acquired February 9, 2010, this image shows ocean water discolored by the submarine eruption of Fukutoku-Okanoba. The water affected by ash appears electric blue, in contrast to the surrounding navy blue water.
Water Volcanoes
Image of the Day Land Life
Natural vegetation and irrigated farmland along the Snake River Plain in Idaho use dramatically different amounts of water during the growing season.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Life Human Presence
An arid region grew even drier between 2003 and 2009 due to human consumption of water for drinking and agriculture.
Image of the Day Water Remote Sensing
The fast-growing city has polluted waterways and a growing demand for clean tap water.
Image of the Day Water Human Presence
Reflections off the water surface show an interlinked mass of currents and eddies in the shallow water north of Prince Edward Island.
Image of the Day Water
The tiny amount of water vapor in our atmosphere has an outsized influence on the planet as a potent greenhouse gas.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Water
Image of the Day Land
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