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Images related to Sea Ice off Cape Navarin

Historic Low Sea Ice in the Bering Sea

Historic Low Sea Ice in the Bering Sea

Warm temperatures and a stormy winter caused sea ice in the Bering Sea to plunge to record lows.

Published May 3, 2018

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice Remote Sensing

Bering Sea Teeming with Ice

Bering Sea Teeming with Ice

Persistent, strong northerly winds have stretched the ice cover to its second widest extent.

Published Mar 20, 2012

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice

Southernmost Seasonal Sea Ice in the Northern Hemisphere

Southernmost Seasonal Sea Ice in the Northern Hemisphere

The Sea of Okhotsk is the lowest latitude area where sea ice forms each winter.

Published Jan 11, 2015

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Early Breakup of the Beaufort Sea Ice

Early Breakup of the Beaufort Sea Ice

In April 2016, unusually warm temperatures and heavy winds broke the sea ice pack to pieces.

Published May 20, 2016

Image of the Day Snow and Ice Remote Sensing

Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea

Sea Ice in the Bellingshausen Sea

A spectacular view of sea ice was captured during an Operation IceBridge flight in 2014; the mission surveyed ice at both poles again in 2015, this time simultaneously.

Published Oct 4, 2015

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Sea Ice Swirls in the Labrador Sea

Sea Ice Swirls in the Labrador Sea

A combination of winds and currents steered sea ice into interlocking swirls.

Published May 16, 2017

Land Water Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice

South Pole Sea Ice at 2008 Maximum and 2009 Minimum

South Pole Sea Ice at 2008 Maximum and 2009 Minimum

This pair of images shows Antarctic sea ice concentrations at the 2008 winter maximum and the 2009 summer minimum compared to the median ice extent from 1979–2000.

Published May 23, 2009

Image of the Day Land Water Snow and Ice

2015 Antarctic Sea Ice Extent

2015 Antarctic Sea Ice Extent

In 2015, the annual maximum extent of Antarctic sea ice dropped below previous consecutive years of record highs.

Published Oct 18, 2015

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Sea Ice in Alaska’s Bristol Bay

Sea Ice in Alaska’s Bristol Bay

Acquired April 11 and 24, 2012, these images show the movement of sea ice in the Bering Sea with the advance of spring.

Published May 6, 2012

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice