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Images related to The Specter of a Mega-Tsunami in Alaska

A May Landslide in Alaska

A May Landslide in Alaska

Warm spring weather may have helped trigger a landslide on Yudi Peak.

Published May 28, 2020

Image of the Day Land Drought Fires Snow and Ice Temperature Extremes

Hunting Landslides with Landsat

Hunting Landslides with Landsat

A combination of seismographic data and satellite imagery is making it easier for scientists to locate elusive landslides. In summer 2013, Landsat 8 helped pinpoint a slide in eastern Alaska.

Published Aug 30, 2013

Image of the Day Land Landslides

Citizen Scientists Find Undocumented Landslides

Citizen Scientists Find Undocumented Landslides

A new NASA project improves landslide inventories with data from the public.

Published Jul 11, 2019

Image of the Day Human Presence

Large Landslide Detected in Southeastern Alaska

Large Landslide Detected in Southeastern Alaska

The largest natural landslide to occur anywhere on Earth since 2010 spilled off the flanks of Mount La Perouse in February 2014.

Published Feb 25, 2014

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice

Satellite Spots Massive Tonzang Landslide

Satellite Spots Massive Tonzang Landslide

Heavy rainfall from tropical storm Komen triggered a large landslide in Myanmar (Burma).

Published Nov 8, 2015

Image of the Day Land Water Landslides

Landslide in Southern Kyrgyzstan

Landslide in Southern Kyrgyzstan

Debris spread more than 3 kilometers (2 miles) from the source to the toe of the landslide.

Published May 22, 2017

Image of the Day Land Human Presence Landslides

Tsunami Vulnerability in Camana, Peru

Tsunami Vulnerability in Camana, Peru

A tsunami washed over the low-lying coastal resort region near CamanĂ¡,southern Peru, following a strong earthquake on June 23, 2001. The earthquake was one of the most powerful of the last 35 years and had a magnitude of 8.4. After the initial quake, coastal residents witnessed a sudden draw-down of the ocean and knew a tsunami was imminent. They had less than 20 minutes to reach higher ground before the tsunami hit. Waves as high as 8 meters came in four destructive surges reaching as far as 1.2 kilometers inland. Thousands of buildings were destroyed, and the combined earthquake and tsunami killed as many as 139 people.

Published Mar 17, 2002

Image of the Day Land

Mapping a Slow-Motion Landslide

Mapping a Slow-Motion Landslide

Through the study of an unusual, long-lasting slide, has developed a new technique to make prediction easier and more accurate.

Published Jun 5, 2020

Image of the Day Land Remote Sensing

The Seafloor Focuses and Merges Tsunami Waves

The Seafloor Focuses and Merges Tsunami Waves

Even at great distances from their source, tsunami waves can grow by being focused and steered by underwater ridges.

Published Mar 12, 2012

Image of the Day Water Earthquakes

Automating the Detection of Landslides

Automating the Detection of Landslides

New open-source software called SLIP-DRIP uses satellite images and rainfall data to help identify otherwise overlooked landslides.

Published Jul 8, 2016

Image of the Day Land Remote Sensing Landslides