Known as von Kármán vortices, the remarkable curling patterns can form nearly anywhere that fluid flow is disturbed by an object.
Published Jun 7, 2015Chains of swirling clouds stream behind islands in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Published Aug 13, 2017Winds flowing around Heard Island in the southwestern Indian Ocean shaped the clouds into a line of spirals.
Published May 8, 2016Von Kármán vortices make another appearance near the Canary Islands.
Published Jul 11, 2020Wind flowing past an island created this spiraling cloud pattern off the coast of Greenland.
Published Apr 13, 2012Clouds swirled in the southern Atlantic Ocean, northwest of St. Helena, in mid-November 2012.
Published Nov 25, 2012This Valentine in the sky is the visible expression of fluid dynamics at work.
Published Feb 14, 2019The Aqua satellite captured this image of von Kármán vortices downwind of Isla Socorro.
Published Aug 19, 2013Clouds off the Chilean coast show a unique pattern called a “von Karman vortex street.”
Published May 30, 2000