Images related to Dust over the Pacific

China Dust over the Pacific

China Dust over the Pacific

Published May 6, 2005

Dust and Haze

A Perfect (Dust) Storm

A Perfect (Dust) Storm

In April 2001, researchers watched with surprise as dust from an Asian storm crossed the Pacific and reached the eastern United States.

Published Dec 26, 2007

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Gobi Dust Over Northeast China and Korea

Gobi Dust Over Northeast China and Korea

Dust blowing off the Gobi desert eastward across the China toward the Pacific Ocean is a common event in April. Space Shuttle astronauts have photographed these dusts storms several times. These photographs, taken by astronauts on April 25, 1990, show a thick blanket of dust that entirely obscures the southern half of the Korean Peninsula. The dust is being transported from west (left) to east (right). The mountainous spine of the peninsula induces gravity waves in the dust cloud on the downwind (east) side.

Published May 6, 2001

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Continuing Dust Storms

Continuing Dust Storms

Published Apr 25, 2001

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Dust Cloud over Sea of Japan

Dust Cloud over Sea of Japan

Published Mar 18, 2002

Dust and Haze

Dust Cloud over Sea of Japan

Dust Cloud over Sea of Japan

Published Mar 21, 2002

Dust and Haze

Dust and Haze Blow Across China

Dust and Haze Blow Across China

Published Mar 30, 2005

Dust and Haze