- Large aquarium with a lighted hood cover
- Small desk lamp with bendable gooseneck (optional)
- Thermometer
- Sand
- Vermiculite
- Peat moss
- Rocks (medium sized)
- Gravel
- Plants, including cacti and succulents
- On the floor of the aquarium, spread a 1-inch layer of gravel.
- Mix the soil in the following ratios:
Soil: 1 part
Sand: 3 part
Vermiculite, and peat moss: 1 part
Spread this mixture on top of the gravel in an uphill sloping
fashion toward the back of the aquarium. This layer should be about
a 2.0- to 2.5-inch thickness.
- Place several cacti and succulent plants in the soil. You can visit
your local nursery for a greater selection of cacti and succulents.
- Place rocks in the soil for decorations. (Woody tree branches may
also be used.)
- Place thermometer in the terrarium where you can read the
- Use the lamp to help create a hot atmosphere.
- Periodically sprinkle the cacti and succulent plants in the soil
with water.
Design an observation chart. Chart any changes in your plants. Give water
in increments of a 1/2 cup. Keep track of the amount of water given and
the temperature of the terrarium.
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