Views from the ground and from space are helping scientists understand how soil moisture affects U.S. agriculture.
Published Nov 25, 2015Long-term rainfall deficits, heat waves, and increased evaporation have depleted some of the groundwater supply beneath central and eastern Europe.
Published Jun 25, 2020The amount of water contained in the top few centimeters of soil is small on a global scale, but it is critical for agriculture analysts trying to monitor commodity production and humanitarian need.
Published Jun 2, 2018The Aquarius instrument was designed to study ocean salinity, but it is also making an important contribution to studies of the water cycle on land.
Published Jul 15, 2014Satellite sensors uncover a global view of the water hidden between soil particles.
Published Nov 12, 2015Temperatures across much of the region in 2018 have been well above the norms, while precipitation has been well below—a recipe for struggling farmers and concerned forest fire managers.
Published Jun 12, 2018Twin satellites are assessing the state of soil moisture and groundwater on the continent and around the world.
Published Apr 6, 2020Though a series of winter storms provided some relief, a pair of satellites operated by NASA shows that groundwater supplies remained unusually low in many parts of the country.
Published Jan 19, 2013A hot, dry growing season has scorched soybean and corn crops in the Pampas.
Published Apr 17, 2018The failure of the summer monsoon and other moisture carrying systems has parched more than 90 percent of some states.
Published Aug 13, 2020The GRACE satellites can detect the movement and depletion of water supplies at and below Earth’s surface.
Published Sep 20, 2012By late February 2018, an estimated 55 percent of the continental U.S. was classified as abnormally dry.
Published Mar 2, 2018