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Images related to Heat Wave in Southern California

California Heatwave Fits a Trend

California Heatwave Fits a Trend

A new study shows heatwaves in Southern California have increased in frequency, duration, and intensity over recent decades.

Published Sep 10, 2020

Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Drought Human Presence Remote Sensing Temperature Extremes

McNalley and Pines Fires in California

McNalley and Pines Fires in California

Published Aug 9, 2002


Irrigation and Land Surface Temperature in Oregon

Irrigation and Land Surface Temperature in Oregon

he difference between poplar plantations and native vegetation is illustrated in this pair of satellite images, collected by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite on August 27, 2006.

Published Dec 10, 2006

Image of the Day Heat Land Life

Heat Wave in North America

Heat Wave in North America

Published Aug 2, 2006

Temperature Extremes

Fire Smog in the Central Valley of California

Fire Smog in the Central Valley of California

The smoky remnants of October’s devastating fires still filled the southern California Central Valley on November 2, 2003. This “upside down” digital photograph was taken from the International Space Station from a position over the Pacific Northwest looking southward toward southern California. At the time this image was acquired, the fires had finally been brought under control, but ash and smoke remained trapped in the atmosphere above the valley, a bowl of land ringed by the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east (left) and the Coast Range Mountains to the west (right).

Published Nov 24, 2003

Image of the Day Atmosphere