The Suomi NPP satellite carries an instrument so sensitive to low light levels that it can detect wildfires in the middle of the night.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Fires
Thick smoke billowed from fires in Yakutia on July 10, 2012.
Image of the Day Land
Widespread forest fires veiled the forests of Siberia in a thick curtain of smoke on July 18, 2011.
Land Fires
Several pyrocumulus clouds are lofting dense smoke high into the atmosphere.
Image of the Day Heat Land Fires
During spring 2015, several fires lit by farmers escaped control and raced through villages in southern Siberia.
Land Dust and Haze Fires Human Presence
More than 30 taiga wildfires burned in the Far East of Russia on July 10, 2012.
Dozens of fires raged in the southern part of the Siberian region.
Heat Fires
Visitors to Russia’s Lake Baikal have been met with smoke and ash from wildfires raging in the area.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze Fires
Large, smoky fires were burning in the forested mountains of Russia’s Buryatia region and Mongolia’s Belenge province on May 21, 2009.
Atmosphere Land Fires
Red boxes outline fires burning across Florida, where prescribed burning is a significant land management tool and wildfire is a threat.
Image of the Day Land Fires
Hundreds of fires veiled northern Indochina in smoke as the traditional land-use burning season neared its peak.
April is often peak wildfire season in Nepal.
The summer of 2012 has proven to be one of the most severe wildfire seasons Russia has faced in a decade.
Several large wildfires burn in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Northern Territories, Canada in this image from June 26, 2011.
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