The arc and waves of a pale brown plume of dust complement the swirls of blue and green in the South Atlantic Ocean in this photo-like image from November 5, 2009.
Published Nov 7, 2009Acquired February 9, 2010, this true-color image shows jewel-toned water caused by a phytoplankton bloom off the coast of Argentina. Roughly mimicking the coastline, the bloom forms a giant semicircle in the Atlantic Ocean.
Published Feb 10, 2010In this photo-like image of a dust storm blowing out of southern Argentina, turbulence creates ripples in a cloud of dust that complements the long waves of color created by a phytoplankton bloom in the Atlantic Ocean below.
Published Jan 26, 2010Dust blew off the coast of Argentina in late January 2009.
Published Feb 2, 2009The plume of dust that swept over the South Pacific Ocean from Australia on October 13, 2009, was delicate, almost ghostly, compared to the large, dense plume of dust that darkened much of the east Australian coast on September 23.
Published Oct 14, 2009Acquired July 25, 2011, this natural-color image shows dust plumes blowing through Argentina.
Published Jul 26, 2011