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Images related to San Jose, California Growth 1973-1999

San Francisco from Landsat 7

San Francisco from Landsat 7

Published Aug 9, 1999

Image of the Day Land

Landsat 8’s First Year

Landsat 8’s First Year

A composite view of the United States represents one of the ways scientists are exploring Landsat 8’s capabilities.

Published Feb 11, 2014

Image of the Day Land

San Diego-Tijuana Region

San Diego-Tijuana Region

Straddling the border between the United States and Mexico, this metropolitan area is home to more than 5 million people.

Published May 6, 2013

Image of the Day Human Presence

A Long Look at El Paso and Ciudad Juarez

A Long Look at El Paso and Ciudad Juarez

When the Landsat archive is combined with modern computing power, scientists can view the planet not just across space, but also time.

Published Jun 11, 2013

Image of the Day Land Unique Imagery Human Presence Remote Sensing

Landsat in Memory of the World Register

Landsat in Memory of the World Register

What does Landsat have in common with the Gutenberg Bible, Tolstoy’s personal library, and the Book of Kells?

Published Nov 24, 2011

Image of the Day Land

Cabo San Antonio, Argentina

Cabo San Antonio, Argentina

Published Feb 8, 2004

Image of the Day Land

A Lot of Data, A Lot of Possibilities

A Lot of Data, A Lot of Possibilities

50 trillion pixels of Landsat data give researchers a lot of opportunities to look at Earth processes on scales from days to decades.

Published Apr 16, 2015

Image of the Day Land Remote Sensing

Lilongwe and Landsat Grew Up Together

Lilongwe and Landsat Grew Up Together

A fishing town became a bustling city after Malawi’s president moved the capital there.

Published Dec 19, 2018

Image of the Day Human Presence

Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico

The built-up areas of Cabo (cape) San Lucas stand out as bright, angular areas inland from the main bay on the tip of the Baja California peninsula. Dry river beds descend from rugged, wooded hills to the coastline. River sands then accumulate to form the white beaches visible along the coastline adjacent to the city.

Published Dec 19, 2005

Image of the Day Land Life

Bay Blues

Bay Blues

Landsat 8 can observe wavelengths of blue light that will make it easier to observe the swirl of life and water along the world’s coastlines.

Published May 31, 2013

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water

Space Archaeology: In the Realm of Resolution

Space Archaeology: In the Realm of Resolution

Being able to see traces of human history in satellite imagery is dependent on what details can be resolved on a given image. There are four main types of image resolution.

Published Oct 4, 2017

Image of the Day Land Human Presence Remote Sensing

Mt. Pinos, California

Mt. Pinos, California

Published May 23, 2001

Image of the Day Land