Acquired June 2, 2011, this natural-color image shows a dust storm over Iraq.
Published Jun 2, 2011This true-color image, taken July 3, 2009, shows thick dust between Syria and the Iraq-Iran border. Over northwestern Iraq, the dust takes on a strangely textured appearance.
Published Jul 6, 2009This natural-color image from July 4, 2009, shows thick dust over much of Iraq and along the southern coast of Iran. Thinner dust appears over northern Iran and southern Iraq.
Published Jul 6, 2009Acquired in early December 2011, this image shows a dust storm adjacent to a cloudbank in Syria and Iraq.
Published Dec 12, 2011At the height of a week-long dust storm, a huge dust cloud enveloped Iraq and Iran on July 5, 2009.
Published Jul 7, 2009Acquired June 18, 2012, this image shows thick dust over Syria and Iraq.
Published Jun 19, 2012