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Images related to Sahara Dust Storm

Massive Dust Storm Sweeps Across Africa

Massive Dust Storm Sweeps Across Africa

Pale tan dust blurs the southern edge of the Sahara Desert across the entire African continent in this natural-color satellite image from March 19, 2010.

Published Mar 19, 2010

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Saharan Dust Storm

Saharan Dust Storm

Published May 10, 2006

Dust and Haze

North African Dust Plume

North African Dust Plume

Published Jul 16, 2007

Dust and Haze

Dust Blankets the Middle East

Dust Blankets the Middle East

An October dust storm darkened skies over much of Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

Published Nov 2, 2017

Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Dust Storm off West Africa

Dust Storm off West Africa

Published Sep 9, 2005

Dust and Haze

Dust Storm in the Sahara Desert

Dust Storm in the Sahara Desert

Acquired May 8, 2011, this natural-color image shows a dust storm extending more than 1,000 kilometers across the Sahara Desert.

Published May 9, 2011

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Sahara Dust Storm

Sahara Dust Storm

Resembling the arc of a solar prominence, a bulb of dust curves over the Atlantic Ocean from western Africa in this true-color image from April 22, 2010.

Published Apr 29, 2010

Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Dust Storm off Western Sahara

Dust Storm off Western Sahara

Saharan dust hovered over the Atlantic for several days in mid-January 2008. This image shows two different areas of dust plume activity. Immediately off the coasts of Western Sahara and Mauritania, a series of tan dust plumes blow in predominantly straight lines toward the northwest. Farther west, a large, diffuse plume of dust hangs over the Atlantic Ocean

Published Jan 25, 2008

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water Dust and Haze

Dust Storm from the Sahara Desert

Dust Storm from the Sahara Desert

Published Feb 22, 2007

Dust and Haze