The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s EO-1 satellite acquired this image of Shiveluch Volcano venting gas and ash on September 7, 2010.
Image of the Day Land Volcanoes
Acquired October 24, 2009, this false-color image shows volcanic ash stains on the snowy slopes of Shiveluch Volcano.
Land Volcanoes
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land
In mid-February 2019, the Kamchatkan volcano lofted ash plumes nearly 6 kilometers into the sky.
Volcanoes Remote Sensing
Acquired a little less than two hours apart, these images show a volcano before and after it spewed an ash plume on October 6, 2012.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Volcanoes
An ash-rich volcanic plume rises above the snowy slopes of Shiveluch Volcano.
Atmosphere Land Volcanoes
This image shows a steam plume rising from the ash-stained Shiveluch Volcano on May 10, 2009.
Acquired February 13, 2010, this image shows a plume rising from Shiveluch Volcano and dark flows streaking the southern slopes.
A thin plume of ash and/or steam streamed from Shiveluch Volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula on October 3, 2009.
Satellites usually capture images of volcanic ash plumes as they are blowing away. This image is different.
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