Acquired November 8, 2009, this true-color image shows a cluster of fires, marked by red outlines, burning in northwestern India, not far from the Pakistan border. Haze appears especially thick in Pakistan, and might result from multiple sources.
Published Nov 11, 2009Acquired October 21, 2009, this true-color image shows a large cluster of fires burning in northwestern India. Red outlines delineate actively burning fires, and many fires produce small smoke plumes.
Published Oct 22, 2009A river of smoke pours out of northwestern India and over the Arabian Sea in this true-color image from November 4, 2009.
Published Nov 4, 2009t’s difficult to tell just what darkened the skies over India’s Ganges Plain in this satellite image from October 29, 2009. The thick brown gray haze was probably a combination of smoke, dust, and pollution.
Published Oct 29, 2009Scores of agricultural fires burned in the northwest Indian states of Punjab and Haryana on November 3, 2008.
Published Nov 4, 2008Haze continued to hover over northern India and Pakistan in mid-November 2008.
Published Nov 17, 2008