Each year millions of monarch butterflies migrate thousands of miles back and forth from wintering grounds in Mexico to their breeding locations in the eastern United States and Canada. In the fall, the monarchs return to just 12 forested mountaintops in central Mexico, where they form colonies in which millions of butterflies cluster on the trunks and branches of the trees. Despite the creation of protected areas and reserves, illegal logging has been steadily shrinking this unique, critical monarch habitat.
Published Mar 7, 2008Mapping the density and location of tree cover can help the nation reduce deforestation and offset carbon emissions.
Published Nov 5, 2015Officials declared an environmental emergency due to unhealthy air quality.
Published May 17, 2019Acquired January 29, 2013, this image shows a dust storm blowing through northern Mexico.
Published Jan 31, 2013Acquired August 9, 2012, this photo-like image shows Ernesto over the Yucatán Peninsula.
Published Aug 9, 2012