Between 1992 and 2009, a section of the lower Indus River changes course following the formation of an oxbow lake.
Published May 9, 2010Meltwater from glaciers to the east and west drains into Lake Morari, a large lake that lies at an altitude of 4,521 meters (14,830 feet) on the Tibetan Plateau. A stream on the west side provides the lake’s main inflow. Mud from this river gives the light blue hues to the lake water. The well-formed alluvial fan (image center), built by sediment from the main inflow river, is the reason the lake has formed at this point in the valley.
Published Dec 18, 2006The largest lake on the Balkan Peninsula is colored by sediments eroded from the surrounding highlands.
Published May 31, 2020North America’s largest northward flowing river gets its start at Great Slave Lake in Canada’s Northwest Territories.
Published Nov 28, 2015More than 40 years after the explosive eruption of Mount St. Helens, relics from the blast continue to haunt a nearby lake.
Published Nov 1, 2021Man and nature have both altered the course of a southwestern U.S. river.
Published May 21, 2012The meandering Missouri River doubled back on itself and formed this U-shaped lake.
Published Jan 13, 2014Acquired September 15, 2010, this natural-color image shows flooding along the northern and eastern margins of Pakistan’s Manchhar Lake.
Published Sep 17, 2010Italy’s largest lake is situated where the southern Alps meet the Po River Valley.
Published Mar 5, 2018