Accessed January 24, 2011, this natural-color image shows ice coating Lake Baikal.
Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice
A blanket of white spread across the Sayan Mountains.
Severe Storms Snow and Ice
People and satellites keep an eye on when ice on the world’s deepest lake melts each year.
Image of the Day Snow and Ice
Roughly the same size of Belgium, Canada’s Great Slave Lake runs nearly 2,000 feet deep.
Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice
More than 40 years after the explosive eruption of Mount St. Helens, relics from the blast continue to haunt a nearby lake.
Image of the Day Water
After a fierce summer of burning, fires still linger around Lake Baikal.
Land Dust and Haze Fires Remote Sensing
Warmth and moisture from the Great Lakes fueled lake-effect snow, as frigid air from the Arctic flowed south.
Atmosphere Water Unique Imagery
Straddling Austria and Hungary, the lake is also known as the “Sea of the Viennese.”
Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence Snow and Ice
A strange circular area of thinned ice appears in this astronaut photo from late April 2009 of Lake Baikal in southern Siberia.
A relatively rare blanket of ice rested on the surface of Lake Superior in early March 2009.
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