Antarctic iceberg A-68A has drifted menacingly close to a remote island in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
Published Dec 14, 2020This distant, lonely volcanic rock brings new meaning to the phrase “the middle of nowhere.”
Published Dec 19, 2015Scientists watch as A-68A, currently the planet’s largest iceberg, approaches a remote island in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
Published Nov 13, 2020For hundreds of years, Henderson Island has seen little human activity. Nonetheless, it has human fingerprints all over its beaches.
Published Jul 23, 2017Acquired on on May 5, 2009, this true-color image shows Marion Island in the Indian Ocean. Sparsely vegetated, this volcanic island has remnants of snow near its summit.
Published Oct 18, 2009Bouvet Island is known as the most remote island in the world; Antarctica, over 1600 kilometers (994 miles) to the south, is the nearest land mass. Located near the junction between the South American, African, and Antarctic tectonic plates, the island is mostly formed from a shield volcano—a broad, gently sloping cone formed by thin, fluid lavas—that is almost entirely covered by glaciers.
Published Oct 6, 2008This volcanic island is home to perhaps the most remote permanent settlement on Earth.
Published Feb 18, 2013In this part of the southern Philippines, the aquatic life sustains the livelihoods of many islanders.
Published Apr 23, 2022Seawater has been cutting like a knife through an enormous Antarctic iceberg afloat in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
Published Jan 13, 2021