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Images related to Smoke Fills North American Skies

Smoke Across North America

Smoke Across North America

Skies turned hazy from Pittsburgh to Washington to Boston, as smoke from fires in Canada poured into the U.S. Northeast.

Published Jul 21, 2021

Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Fires Human Presence Remote Sensing

Wildfires and Smoke in Siberia

Wildfires and Smoke in Siberia

Numerous fires have filled skies with smoke, causing air quality issues in Omsk.

Published Apr 28, 2021

Land Fires

A Smoky Summer in Alaska

A Smoky Summer in Alaska

Satellite imagery shows smoke from hundreds of wildland fires darkening skies.

Published Jul 5, 2022

Image of the Day Heat Land Drought Fires

Smoke from Fires in Canada

Smoke from Fires in Canada

Gray-brown smoke drifts north over the Canadian Arctic and the Beaufort Sea in this true-color image from June 28, 2010.

Published Jun 30, 2010

Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Scarred Land and Smoky Skies

Scarred Land and Smoky Skies

The McKinney Fire—California’s largest so far in 2022—left a vast burn scar on the landscape, while nearby fires filled the air with smoke.

Published Aug 8, 2022

Image of the Day Heat Land Drought Fires

Smoke over Hudson Bay

Smoke over Hudson Bay

Thick smoke choked the skies over Manitoba, Ontario, and Hudson Bay on Tuesday, July 24, 2007. Thick swaths of smoke hundreds of kilometers across stretch eastward over Canada’s land and water. The smoke can be distinguished from the nearby clouds by the difference in color. Whereas clouds are bright white, the smoke is dingy gray.

Published Jul 27, 2007

Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Smoke over Western Russia

Smoke over Western Russia

A ribbon of smoke connects two clusters of intense fires in central Russia in this photo-like image from August 12, 2010.

Published Aug 12, 2010

Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Smoky Skies in North America

Smoky Skies in North America

Winds carried thick plumes of smoke and pollution across the United States and Canada.

Published Aug 16, 2018

Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Fires

Fires and Smoke in Russia

Fires and Smoke in Russia

This photo-like image from August 4, 2010, shows intense fires burning across central Russia and a thick plume of smoke stretching about 3,000 kilometers (1,860 miles).

Published Aug 5, 2010

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze

Fires in Mozambique and South Africa

Fires in Mozambique and South Africa

A river of smoke several hundred kilometers wide flowed off the southeast coast of Africa in early September 2008. The smoke was coming from hundreds, probably thousands, of fires burning in Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland.

Published Sep 3, 2008

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Fires