Afternoon sun highlights distinctive parallel patterns in the hills surrounding Azerbaijan’s Mingachevir Reservoir in this astronaut image from May 8, 2010.
Published Jun 7, 2010The volume of water in New Mexico’s largest reservoir has dropped to historic lows due to drought and persistent demand.
Published Jul 26, 2013Nearly 85 percent of Mexico is experiencing drought, and water sources are dwindling.
Published May 4, 2021Image of the Day Land Water Drought Human Presence Remote Sensing
Acquired May 19, 2011, this natural-color scene shows a work-in-progress hydroelectric project along the Rupert River in Quebec, Canada.
Published Aug 7, 2011The reservoir provides water for Napa wine country and for cities in Northern California.
Published Dec 5, 2021The São Simão Reservoir, near the confluence of the Rio Paranaiba and Rio Verde in Brazil, is the featured subject in a milestone image of Earth. This colorful, patchwork image is the 300,000th image of Earth downlinked from the International Space Station (ISS). The astronaut photography collection now includes more than 745,000 images of Earth taken by astronaut crews, beginning with the Mercury missions in 1961 and continuing to the present day on the ISS.
Published Jan 7, 2008Drought dominated the 2011 growing season in northern Mexico, leading to crop failure and food shortages.
Published Jan 21, 2012The Dolmen de Guadalperal resurfaced after five decades underwater.
Published Sep 19, 2019Remote sensing could help experts monitor Nile hydrology as a new reservoir is filled.
Published Apr 20, 2022