The Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex plays a key role in keeping engineers and scientists connected to distant spacecraft.
Published Mar 16, 2020A collection of radio antennas in the Mojave Desert has a long history of helping NASA keep in touch with distant spacecraft.
Published Jun 14, 2018The Cibola National Forest surrounds the Plains of San Augustine in a remote and sparsely populated region of New Mexico. the plains are home to one of the world’s premier astronomical radio observatories, the Very Large Array (VLA).
Published Jun 14, 2009After arriving in its final orbit, DSCOVR will monitor the solar wind and send back epic views of Earth’s full sunlit disk.
Published Feb 13, 2015Astronauts supplied the International Space Station with a new logistics module; tested tools, technologies, and techniques to refuel satellites in space; and collected old equipment.
Published Jul 21, 2011From one million miles away, the DSCOVR satellite returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth.
Published Jul 21, 2015When the DSCOVR mission was conceived in the late 1990s, one of the central ideas was to provide daily, natural-color views of the entire Earth so that everyday citizens could see it. Seventeen years later, we have that view.
Published Oct 23, 2015Satellites are shedding new light on the invisible processes and rhythms at play at the intersection between Earth and space.
Published Dec 26, 2019From 31 million miles away, how could you tell that there was life on Earth? Scientists used the remote vantage point of NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft to shoot a sequence of images that will help to help answer that question.
Published Jul 22, 2008Space Shuttle Atlantis streaked across the sky to its final landing at Kennedy Space Center.
Published Jul 28, 2011To mark the 30th anniversary of the Apollo 17 mission and the famous “Blue Marble” full Earth image, Goddard Space Flight Center’s Visualization and Analysis Lab has rendered a new visualization inspired by the mission.
Published Dec 7, 2002