The waters off of Australia hosted an apparent bloom of Trichodesmium, an ancient, important, and ubiquitous type of microscopic sea life.
Published Oct 7, 2017Some of the smallest organisms on our planet can be viewed from space: MODIS on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this image of a plankton or bacterial bloom south of Fiji on October 18, 2010.
Published Nov 13, 2010November through March is the right time of year to spot a bloom of Trichodesmium, a colorful marine bacterium that plays a key role in the nitrogen cycle.
Published Jan 16, 2015The record-breaking belt of brown algae stretches from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico, and it is likely here to stay.
Published Jul 8, 2019Unusually clear skies and persistent, unseasonable heat may have set the stage for large and persistent blooms of phytoplankton in the waters around England.
Published Jun 26, 2020The tiny, plant-like organisms thrive on iron that seeps into the ocean.
Published May 7, 2017Phytoplankton blooms tend to show up in this Gulf in mid-summer and mid-autumn, but they can happen in winter too.
Published Apr 2, 2018This true-color image captures a Ross Sea phytoplankton bloom on January 22, 2011, as viewed by the MODIS instrument on NASA’s Aqua satellite.
Published Jan 29, 2011Phytoplankton explosions off the east and west coasts of the United States have both benign and harmful impacts.
Published Aug 9, 2015An annual summertime bloom of cyanobacteria flourished in such numbers as to be visible from space.
Published Aug 23, 2015Changing conditions in the waters near Alaska promotes late summer phytoplankton growth.
Published Sep 19, 2014