Dust and Haze
The arc and waves of a pale brown plume of dust complement the swirls of blue and green in the South Atlantic Ocean in this photo-like image from November 5, 2009.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water Dust and Haze
Acquired December 29, 2010, this natural-color image shows dust plumes blowing off the Moroccan coast and over the Atlantic Ocean.
Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze
This true-color image shows a large plume of tan dust off the coast of Senegal, east of Cape Verde, on July 19, 2009.
Dust plumes blew eastward off a long stretch of Argentine coast on March 28, 2009.
Acquired September 18, 2010, this natural-color image shows a dust plume grazing Tropical Storm Julia.
Atmosphere Dust and Haze
Large, translucent dust plumes blow westward off the African coast and over the Atlantic ocean in this true-color image from June 4, 2009.
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