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Images related to Killer Storms in the southern Plains and the Southeast

Severe Storm over the Red Sea

Severe Storm over the Red Sea

Published Feb 3, 2006

Severe Storms

Typhoon Sonca

Typhoon Sonca

Published Apr 28, 2005

Severe Storms

Hurricane Claudette

Hurricane Claudette

Published Jul 11, 2003

Severe Storms

Super Typhoon Choi-Wan

Super Typhoon Choi-Wan

Choi-wan has a near-perfect eye surrounded by a very intense eyewall in this rainfall image.

Published Sep 16, 2009

Atmosphere Heat Water Severe Storms

Tropical Cyclone Heta

Tropical Cyclone Heta

Published Jan 6, 2004

Severe Storms

Super Typhoon Nabi

Super Typhoon Nabi

Published Sep 8, 2005

Severe Storms

Cyclone Nargis

Cyclone Nargis

Cyclone Nargis passed over Burma (Myanmar) after having formed in the Bay of Bengal. At one point, Nargis was a Category 4 cyclone, with sustained winds of 210 kilometers per hour (130 miles per hour). The typhoon lost strength before coming ashore on May 2 as a Category 3/4 storm, but it still carried very powerful winds and heavy rain when it struck the low-lying coastal plains, causing severe damage. News reports cited a death toll of 10,000 people, with thousands more missing, as of May 5.

Published May 5, 2008

Atmosphere Land Water Severe Storms