Dust Plumes off Western Africa

Saharan sand blew off the coasts of Mauritania and Senegal on June 22, 2009.
Dust Plumes off Western Africa

Dust Plumes off Western Africa

Saharan dust crossed the Atlantic Ocean on June 24, 2009, visible in two separate overpasses of the Aqua satellite.

Published Jun 25, 2009

Atmosphere Land Water Dust and Haze

Dust Plumes off Western Africa

Dust Plumes off Western Africa

A MODIS image from June 24, 2009, shows a translucent dust plume west of Cape Verde.

Published Jun 24, 2009

Atmosphere Dust and Haze

Dust Plumes off Western Africa

Dust Plumes off Western Africa

This natural-color image shows dual dust plumes blowing off the African coast on June 22, 2009. One of the plumes reaches Cape Verde.

Published Jun 24, 2009

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze