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Flooding in North Texas

March 21, 2006

Heavy rain in north Texas forced some Dallas residents from their homes in late March 2006. According to news reports, several inches of rain fell over the weekend of March 18-19. The storm barely gave some residents enough time to flee, and it left many homes with a foot or more of standing water days after the rain stopped. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) flying onboard the Aqua satellite captured these images on March 21 (top) and March 14 (bottom).

In these false-color images, green indicates vegetation, reddish tan indicates bare ground, and white indicates clouds. Blue indicates water, and the darker the blue, the clearer the water. Water appearing in bright blue may be shallow water, or it may be moving sediment, as floodwaters often do. Troublesome as the flooding was, it provided some relief for the region’s chronic drought. In addition to floodwaters, the March 21 image shows more vegetation.

NASA image courtesy the MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center