Namibia’s sea of sand is bounded on its northern side by the impermanent Kuiseb River.
Published Jan 2, 2020Sand dunes and outcrops add color and dimension across the Namib Sand Sea.
Published Jan 13, 2020In a land with little water, the wind does the landscaping most of the time. Ephemeral water leaves a mark, though.
Published Jul 29, 2018This astronaut photograph shows classic large and small sand masses of the central Sahara Desert, where wind is a more powerful land-shaping agent than water.
Published Jan 19, 2009A fracking-fueled demand for round and durable sand has triggered a mining boom in the western part of the state.
Published Mar 14, 2018Winds shape the sands that were left behind by an ancient river.
Published Jun 4, 2012Fraser Island, the world’s largest sand island, is located along the coastline of Queensland, Australia, and it includes Great Sandy National Park. The island was designated a World Heritage site in 1992, in part due to its outstanding preservation of geological processes related to sand dune formation.
Published Oct 13, 2008This sand sea is one of the most recognizable features for orbiting astronauts, partly because they see it often through cloudless Saharan skies.
Published Dec 29, 2014Sand dunes march through southwestern Libya today, but during the past several million years, this region was a lake district.
Published Dec 15, 2011