Dust and Haze
Dust storms are common in the region, and sometimes bear resemblance to weather events on Mars.
Image of the Day Land
Intense dust storms have raged across two continents in mid-March 2012.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze
Following weeks of smoke, it was dust turning skies odd colors.
Image of the Day Land Drought Fires
In June 2014, winds pushed a river of dust from western Africa across the Atlantic Ocean.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze
In November 2014, a storm off the coast of Libya helped blow Saharan dust over the Mediterranean Sea.
Atmosphere Dust and Haze
A relentless storm lofted dust out of western Africa for days.
In the weeks before India’s monsoon rains, dust, smoke, and haze build over the Ganges River Plain. This image provides a profile of the atmosphere during one of those pollution periods.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land
An extensive dust storm in late February carried debris over the Atlantic Ocean, en route to the Amazon Basin.
Image of the Day Atmosphere
Spring winds bring spring dust storms from northwest China.
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